Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Weekly Reflection Post

Weekly Post
Over the past week we have concentrated on how to finalise this storyboard and put it in as much detail so that we understand it exactly when it comes to creating the video. This will help us out enormously because it allows for us to see the exact type of shot that we want for each part of the song, and it will mean the process of filming will be a lot quicker as we're not having to work out what each shot us. It has been a very slow process of drawing the storyboard and creating the animatic, however as it is fine detail it should make the actual filming process a lot easier when it comes to it. 
We have also discussed about the venue, and it is left to us now finding out when we can get everyone to come. We will have to arrange it around when everyone is available to come, such as if it is on a saturday afternoon, we have to ensure that not everyone is going to be the Leicester game as if this was the case, then it would mean that we would lose the vast of our audience because they wouldn't be able to make it. We will take all of this under consideration and look at booking the studio at today or over the next number of days once we have confirmed answers for our 'audience'. We also feel that we need to get it done on a saturday afternoon because then that allows for our 'audience' to be able to get to the location easier via the bus which maximises the chance of them getting their, and increases their reliability.
We are also in the process of arranging how we are going to get hold of all of the equipment and transport it there as this is one of our priorities, as well as making sure that they don't get damaged as apart from the bass, none of the equipment will be our own. We have also made sure that everyone in the 'band' is going to be comfortable with what piece of equipment they are playing and being up on stage.

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