For my digipak design I have aimed for a simple design to enable it to keep the audience interested, rather than having an over complicated version which would cancel out a large audience instantly. In a vast amount digipak designs aimed at an 'indie audience', they have tried to keep to a simplistic design which I have been heavily impressed with, and it has lead to me wanting to try and recreated this design myself. For my draft, I was struggling to try and get the bottom left panel to be the same colour as the others, and as I was struggling last minute I decided to keep it like this so that I can show the idea that I am aiming for, and I will be able to spend more time on trying to get this design matching the same colour as the rest of the album.

As you can see in my digipak design, I have decided to go for a ZigZag design throughout, and I received this inspiration from both the Charlie Brown character, and as well as this I came across the logo for the band Weezer, which also stood out which is why I feel I have decided to go for this certain design.
Above is an image of the Charlie Brown cartoon, and this is where I originally had the idea of consisting my digipak of a neat zigzag. Although it isn't the same colour as what my digipak is, I believe this helped me to develop my idea for it as I was able to expand on the concept. In addition, I also thought of the idea because of the Weezer icon, and this helped me to consider the zigzag approach that I was looking at doing. The negative of the Weezer icon is that it has the two extra lines around the top of the W, which wasn't what I was planning on using so I had to take that into consideration and decide not to use it.
For my font, I had seen this album by The Black Keys, and I liked the way that it was a plain simple album cover, which stood out at you straight away. I Feel as though this simple design would stand out and suit within the indie industry which I am aiming for this album to fit in with. I have tried to be consistent wit this font and use throughout the whole digipak design, as well as the advert. I have found that this font suits everything and by being consistent with it, it makes the whole concept of the advertisement of the album look simple.
Advert Draft
For my advert design, I have mainly gone for the idea from The Vaccines advert for What Did You Expect. I like the the idea of the simplistic design as I believe for the audience I am aiming for, they would prefer a simple design rather than a complex design with many different things going on. In addition, I decided to use popular magazine that indie scenesters would read so that they can relate, and it would have more of a selling point as they could relate and see that it has had good reviews from magazines that they read, and would then think this album may be something.
As the image above shows, I have used the ideas from this advert such as the way they have laid the text out for name of the album, and the way that they have included the reviews as well. This was important as it could allow the audience to relate to it if they read the magazines that have given this album a good review. Again, I like the simple look of it, and this has helped for me to get an idea of what I wanted to create with the simple design rather overcomplicate things by putting too much on it. In addition, I also like the way that everything is based around the text (of the album), so that when the audience view the person, the first thing that they will see is that. This helps as a selling point because it instantly sticks out to the audience and they may recognise the name and want to buy the album.
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